The National Chapter of ASHRAE

Personal Growth.
Global Impact.
Feed the Roots.
January 2022
President’s Corner
Happy New Year National Capital Chapter of ASHRAE ::insert air horn and fireworks::,
Many of you have likely been debating about attending this year’s upcoming ASHRAE Winter Conference in Las Vegas over the last few months. As my old boss used to say “Whichever decision you decide on, it is the right one.” Although I usually had no clue what Mike was exactly talking about, I think what he meant here was that- if you have deliberated your options and have made the choice based on what is right for you, then it is the right choice. For me, unfortunately I am going to sit this one out, but maybe for you, you are planning to see what’s new from our industry’s manufacturers or are just looking to catch up with your favorite technical committees and finally get some “real” work done (That Handbook Chapter isn’t going to write itself, Ryan!). If you are attending, I wish you a great trip and hope you are able to take in all that Society offers from its Winter Conference and hope you pop in to see something new at the AHR Show.
Ok, obligatory society remarks aside, I am pleased to welcome our virtual webinar speaker on January 19th (oh wow, that is really soon, isn’t it) Society Past President Tom Phoenix. I am especially looking forward to his insights on zero energy buildings and how his take on strategies may reinforce or maybe even surprise my pre-conceived notions of what this critical milestone in building science means for our industry. I hope to continue hearing from our members on the call, so bring your inquisitive minds and let’s keep the dialogue going!
Lastly, some of you may have noticed that we are forgoing the traditional NCC winter party that has taken place in past Januaries, but fear not! We will be looking to do a spring event during the Cherry Blossom bloom. I cannot spoil the surprise yet, but am looking forward to sharing the plans with everyone very soon and maybe even starting a new Natty-Cap tradition!
Be well, do Good!
Best Regards,
Ryan Westlund
President, National Capital Chapter, 2021-2022

2021-2022 Board of Governors | ||
President | Ryan Westlund | |
President-Elect | Nick Barrett | |
Vice President | Mike Morder | |
Treasurer | Jonathan Rumbaugh | |
Secretary | Michael Spencer | |
Sr. Governor | Stephen Niez | |
Governor | Mikelann Scerbo | |
Governor | Drew McPheeters | |
Governor | Lauren MacGowens | |
Governor | Patti Gunderson | |
2021-2022 Committee Chairs | ||
Annual Social | Laura Morder Bradey Jump | |
CTTC | Mikelann Scerbo | |
Directory | Morgan Stevens | |
Finance | Nick Barrett Ryan Westlund Jonathan Rumbaugh Mike Morder | |
Golf Outing | Mike Morder | |
Gov't Affairs | Roger Chang | |
Historian | Drew McPheeters Gary McGee | |
Honors/ Awards | Stephen Niez | |
Membership | Lauren MacGowens Drew McPheeters | |
Newsletter | Morgan Flynn | |
Programs | Bailey Estes Patti Gunderson | |
Reception | Stephanie Gonzalez Catherine Jones | |
Research Promotion | Chris Able | |
Student Activities | Dante Freeland | |
Sustainability | Ryan Westlund | |
Tech Awards | Stephen Niez | |
Website/ Electronic Communications |
Michael Spencer Lauren MacGowens Morgan Stevens | |
Women in ASHRAE | Bailey Estes | |
Young Engineers in ASHRAE | Zach DeLuke Adam Mirabelle | |
Thank you to our 2021-2022 Corporate Sponsers!


2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference
January 29-February 2, 2022
Las Vegas, Nevada
AHR Expo
January 31-February 2, 2022
Las Vega Convention Center
The 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference will be a hybrid experience with both in-person and virtual participation options. The in-person conference will be held at Casesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Yound Engineers In ASHRAE
NCC ASHRAE members,
The NCC ASHRAE YEA Committee is pleased to announce that we are organizing study groups for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam. If you are interested, please complete the Google Forms Survey here by Friday, January 21, 2022.
How does it work?
Based on responses to the registration survey, study groups will be formed based on the following criteria:
- Exam type and target exam date
- Preferred study location
- Virtual or in-person preference
- General availability
- At least one YEA member per Study Group to act as a “YEA Facilitator”
- No more than 6 people per Study Group
What is a YEA Facilitator?
The YEA Facilitator is the person responsible for managing their assigned Study Group. Generally, the YEA Facilitator will need to:
- Organize and facilitate Study Groups based on group member needs
- Determine dates, times, and locations of Study Sessions
- Coordinate virtual call-in information (if needed)
If I already have a PE license, can I still join a Study Group?
Yes! If you already have your license but would like to join a study group as a tutor or just as a refresher for yourself, please fill out the Survey and feel free to join a group.
How can this Study Group benefit me?
A Study Group will help surround you with people from different backgrounds to discuss how to prep, what to study, and test taking strategies. You can sharpen your skill by working through topics that you are struggling with in your group. Team members may have different approaches to question and you may find a better way of solving a problem. Joining a study group can also add a social aspect to your study routine and break the monotony of studying alone!
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Thank you and happy studying,
Zach DeLuke, PE, CxA
Please join us for a virtual professional education seminar on Zoom:
January 19th, 2022 – Wednesday, Noon to 2 p.m.
Passion and Performance
Building on the concepts introduced in the Tom Phoenix’s ASHRAE Presidential Theme, this program will discuss how to establish meaningful goals and the steps need to achieve those goal. The program focuses on the importance of attitude and dedication to be successful in both your professional and personal life.
Net Zero Energy & Building Decarbonization
This program will discuss the path and procedures to achieving zero energy in a building and its connection to building carbon reduction. The program will also introduce ASHRAE’s Task Force for Building Decarbonization – the membership of the Task Force, why it was established, what has already been accomplished, and what is in store for the future.

Thomas H. Phoenix, P.E., FASHRAE, LEED AP
Thomas is currently a Business Development Engineer with Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Previously, he was a Principal with CPL Architects & Engineers. He has a B.S. degree in engineering from NC State University. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in North Carolina and six other States and has over 35 years of experience in the design, operation and maintenance of building mechanical and energy systems in commercial, educational, government, and medical office facilities.
Mr. Phoenix has been an active member of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) since 1982, and was elevated to the grade of Fellow in 2011. He is an ASHRAE Presidential Member, having served as Society President in 2014-15. He served on ASHRAE’s Board of Directors for 11 years and has chaired the Publishing and Education Council and numerous ASHRAE committees. Mr. Phoenix is an ASHRAE Certified Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) and is also an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer. He is an ASHRAE Foundation Trustee, and currently serves as Co-chair of ASHRAE’s Task Force for Building Decarbonization.
Mr. Phoenix also serves as Chair of the Advanced Energy Design Guides Steering Committee, which is composed of representatives from ASHRAE, the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), and the US Green Building Council (USGBC). Additionally, he serves on the Board of Directors, and is currently Vice Chair, of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS).
Mr. Phoenix is active in his local community. He is a graduate of Leadership Greensboro, a member of the Leadership Greensboro Alumni Association and a past member of the Board of Trustees for the Greensboro Children’s Museum. He is a Charter Member and Past President of the Gate City Rotary Club. He served as a Committee Chairman for 19 years with the Jimmy V Celebrity Golf Classic, an event benefitting the V Foundation for Cancer Research.
He is married to the former Rebecca Champion, and he and Becky have two children.
Thanks to all who have presented, planned, and attended our series of webinars during this unprecedented year. Our hope is that by next fall we will be able to safely welcome you back to in-person gatherings. This has been a learning experience for us, and we hope we’ve been useful. Your comments after each presentation help us to improve educational offerings in the future.
ASHRAE relies on YOU for support. If you are interested in donating, please visit
The Research Promotion Committee manages and supports both the Society‐level fundraising and Chapter‐level fundraising of the RP Campaign. Traditionally supporting just research, the RP Campaign was expanded 10 years ago to include support of Education & ALI, Endowed Research through ASHRAE Foundation, YEA programs, ASHRAE Scholarships, and the General/ Unrestricted fund. Research, the backbone of ASHRAE, remains the primary fund of the program with over $2 million raised for this program annually.
Ways You Can Contribute:
Online at WWW.ASHRAE.ORG. On the top of the page click ‘make a gift’ and select ‘ASHRAE RP Campaign’. Fill in all the required info. Please remember to put NCC CHAPTER in the Assigned ASHRAE Chapter area so your chapter can receive credit.
Or, make your checks out to ASHRAE RESEARCH FUND. Please remember to add NCC CHAPTER to the memo line, and send to:
180 Technology Parkway
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092.
Have questions? Please contact our NCC Chapter RP
Chair Chris Able at 410‐353‐3060 or
Thank you so much for your support last year and we hope we can count on you again this year!


This Short Form has been developed to stimulate more participation in chapter and regional competition. This form is not intended to replace the full Society Technology Award Application form. Regional winners using the short form will be required to complete the full Technology Award Application form before their applications can be forwarded for Society Competition. (This form does not require extensive narrative, plans or photographs.
A. The individual submitting the Technology Award Application must be a current member of ASHRAE who had a significant
role in the design or development of the project.
B. Complete the "Short Form" and use it as the cover page.
C. Provide a system schematic/diagram not larger than 11” x 17” in size. In addition, attach a brief narrative (maximum of 2 pages). The narrative should include the gross and net building areas applicable to the project, a description of the major building areas (i.e.,operating rooms, laboratories, computer rooms, industrial processes, offices, warehouses) and a brief discussion regarding the following six criteria ( if a criterion is not applicable, state accordingly):
- Energy Efficiency
- Indoor Air Quality
- Innovation
- Operation & Maintenance
- Cost Effectiveness
- Environmental Impact
D. Submit your schematic, brief narrative, and completed form to your Chapter Technology Transfer Committee Chapter (CTTC) Chair for judging at the chapter level in accordance with their instructions.
E. The ASHRAE Technology Award program is intended for built projects. First place winning projects should be eligible for submission to the Society level competition on September 1st of the following Society calendar year. Therefore, a project submitted to a Chapter or Regional competition shall be occupied prior to September 1st of the current Society year in order to satisfy the Society level competition requirement of one full year of occupancy.
First place winners in each category from chapter competition will be submitted by the CTTC Chapter Chair to the CTTC Regional Vice Chair for judging in the Regional Technology Awards competition. At the discretion of the CTTC Regional Vice Chair, this may require completion of the full Society Technology Award Application form if the chapter submission was done on the Short Form Application.
The CTTC Regional Vice Chair will invite first place winners in each category from regional competition to submit them for judging in the Society level Technology Awards competition. The regional winners will be given the opportunity to incorporate new information or otherwise improve their submittal before submitting it to the society level competition (e.g., by addressing comments from regional judges). At the discretion of the judging panels at the chapter and regional competitions, more than one first place winner may be awarded in each category.
For the regional competition, submit the number of copies requested by the Regional CTTC Vice Chair. The CTTC Regional Vice Chair may require entries into the regional competition to be done on the full Society Technology Award Application form. In any case, all submissions to the Society level competition must be done on the full Society Technology Award Application form.
F. It is highly recommended that each entrant confirm by letter (and retain a copy for record) to the owner that the owner has granted permission to submit this project to competition.
NOTE: ASHRAE Technology Awards are the HVAC&R industry's most prestigious honor for efficient energy use in buildings and environmental system performance. While the awards do not certify responsible charge or professional license status, they do recognize outstanding design innovation and successful implementation.