(Revision January 2016)


This Short Form has been developed to stimulate more participation in chapter and regional competition. This form is not intended to replace the full Society Technology Award Application form. Regional winners using the short form will be required to complete the full Technology Award Application form before their applications can be forwarded for Society Competition. (This form does not require extensive narrative, plans or photographs.


A. The individual submitting the Technology Award Application must be a current member of ASHRAE who had a significant
role in the design or development of the project.

B. Complete the "Short Form" and use it as the cover page.

C. Provide a system schematic/diagram not larger than 11” x 17” in size. In addition, attach a brief narrative (maximum of 2 pages). The narrative should include the gross and net building areas applicable to the project, a description of the major building areas (i.e.,operating rooms, laboratories, computer rooms, industrial processes, offices, warehouses) and a brief discussion regarding the following six criteria ( if a criterion is not applicable, state accordingly):

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Innovation
  • Operation & Maintenance
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Environmental Impact

D. Submit your schematic, brief narrative, and completed form to your Chapter Technology Transfer Committee Chapter (CTTC) Chair for judging at the chapter level in accordance with their instructions.

E. The ASHRAE Technology Award program is intended for built projects. First place winning projects should be eligible for submission to the Society level competition on September 1st of the following Society calendar year. Therefore, a project submitted to a Chapter or Regional competition shall be occupied prior to September 1st of the current Society year in order to satisfy the Society level competition requirement of one full year of occupancy.

First place winners in each category from chapter competition will be submitted by the CTTC Chapter Chair to the CTTC Regional Vice Chair for judging in the Regional Technology Awards competition. At the discretion of the CTTC Regional Vice Chair, this may require completion of the full Society Technology Award Application form if the chapter submission was done on the Short Form Application.

The CTTC Regional Vice Chair will invite first place winners in each category from regional competition to submit them for judging in the Society level Technology Awards competition. The regional winners will be given the opportunity to incorporate new information or otherwise improve their submittal before submitting it to the society level competition (e.g., by addressing comments from regional judges). At the discretion of the judging panels at the chapter and regional competitions, more than one first place winner may be awarded in each category.

For the regional competition, submit the number of copies requested by the Regional CTTC Vice Chair. The CTTC Regional Vice Chair may require entries into the regional competition to be done on the full Society Technology Award Application form. In any case, all submissions to the Society level competition must be done on the full Society Technology Award Application form.

F. It is highly recommended that each entrant confirm by letter (and retain a copy for record) to the owner that the owner has granted permission to submit this project to competition.

NOTE: ASHRAE Technology Awards are the HVAC&R industry's most prestigious honor for efficient energy use in buildings and environmental system performance. While the awards do not certify responsible charge or professional license status, they do recognize outstanding design innovation and successful implementation.


1. Category - Check one and indicate New, Existing, or Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx)
Commercial Buildings
Commercial Buildings - options
Institutional Buildings:
Educational Facilities
Educational Facilities - options
Other Institutional
Other Institutional - options
Health Care Facilities
Health Care Facilities - options
Industrial Facilities or Processes
Industrial Facilities or Processes - options
Public Assembly
Public Assembly - options
Residential (Single and Multi-Family)
2. Name of building or project:
3. Project Description:
Project Study/Design Period:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Begin date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
End date
Percent Occupancy at time of submission:
4. Entrant (ASHRAE member with significant role in project):
a. Name:
Membership Number:
b. Address (including country):
c. Contact:
e. Member’s Role in Project:
f. Member’s Signature:
Clear Signature
5. Engineer of Record:
By affixing my signature above, I certify that the information contained in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. In addition, I certify that I have discussed this entry with the owner and have received permission from the owner to submit this project to the ASHRAE Technology Awards Competition.