The National Chapter of ASHRAE

October 2023
President’s Corner
National Capital Chapter Members,
We have officially kicked off the chapter year and I want to again thank our presenters for a very successful and well attended September event. Our first Virtual PES on the “Use of Natural Refrigerants in our Industry” from Kurt Liebendorfer was very educational, especially for those of us who have not had the opportunity to incorporate natural refrigerants into our everyday design practices yet. Coupled with the dinner presentation on the “Refrigerant Transition” from Alex Albrecht, our attendees can now say they are up to speed on the future of refrigerants and alternative technologies in our industry as well.
As a reminder, a major benefit to being a member of the National Capital Chapter this year is that we offer the virtual PES for FREE, meaning no-cost continuing education credits for our licensed professionals!
October’s theme is Membership Promotion and Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA). Without an active membership, ASHRAE would not exist or function. We truly are a Society governed by its membership, providing input for the future direction of our industry through updates to standards, work of our technical committees, and development of new guidelines. For those of you with questions about the benefits of being a member in ASHRAE, I encourage you to reach out to our Membership Promotion Chair, Stephanie Gonzalez, at for assistance.
We cannot have good Membership without having a strong YEA base. Our Chapter and organization grow with continued involvement from engineers, particularly in the under 35 years old. YEA is one of the easiest ways to get involved in our Chapter with fun social events, as well as technical tours or presentations geared toward up-and-coming engineers in our industry. I will reiterate my thoughts from September, that the more active we can be in the committees like YEA, the better our Chapter’s future will be in terms of new ideas, new volunteers, and leadership. If you have any specific YEA questions, I encourage you to reach out to our YEA Chair, Ryan Cleary, at for more information.
We have an exciting meeting planned this month with topics surrounding decarbonization, as we align our October program theme with the ASHRAE Decarbonization Conference scheduled to take place in Washington DC later this month. I personally would like to invite you to attend and learn more about this topic, as well as how our chapter’s Membership and YEA committees plan to engage with the chapter this year.
Wishing our members all the best!
Mike Morder
ASHRAE National Capital Chapter

Board of Governors & Committee Chair Contact
Board of Governors | Email Address | |
President | Mike Morder | |
President-Elect/Vice President | Jonathan Rumbaugh | |
Treasurer | Michael Spencer | |
Secretary | Lauren McGowens | |
Sr. Governor | Ryan Westlund | |
Governor | Bailey Estes | |
Governor | Stephanie Gonzalez | |
Governor | Zach DeLuke | |
Governor | Dante Freeland | |
Committee Chairs | Email Address | |
Annual Social | Bailey Estes | |
Joe Stephens | ||
CTTC | Zach DeLuke | |
Programs | Ian Faulconer | |
Directory | TBD | |
Finance | Michael Spencer | |
Jonathan Rumbaugh | ||
Mike Morder | ||
Nick Barrett | ||
Golf Outing | Stephen Wetherhold | |
Gov’t Affairs | TBD | |
Historian | Ryan Westlund | |
Honors/ Awards | Stephanie Mages | |
Membership | Stephanie Gonzalez | |
Newsletter | Jackie Rhodes | |
Reception | Molly Sizemore | |
Catherine Jones | ||
Refrigeration | TBD | |
Research Promotion | Stephen Wetherhold | |
Student Activities | Dante Freeland | |
Alex Ratliff | ||
Sustainability | Jesse Fox | |
Website/Electronic Communications | Caroline Evans | |
Diversity in ASHRAE | Caroline Evans | |
Bailey Estes | ||
Young Engineers in ASHRAE | Ryan Cleary | |
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

ASHRAE Membership,
Your Board of Governors for the National Capital Chapter are excited to welcome our membership back for our 2023-2024 season!
We are reaching out to inform you of a major shift in our monthly chapter meeting cadence for this year. The board has made this decision to allow for flexibility and increased engagement from our local membership.
Our meeting day schedule will now be as follows:
Professional Engineering Seminar (PES) - VIRTUAL
When: 12 PM - 1 PM EST.
Where: Link will be provided when registered for each meeting.
PDHs will be provided to all attendees as in the past.
Dinner Meeting/Happy Hour - Held in Person at new venue
When: 5:30 PM - 8 PM EST.
Where: Rhodeside Grille (1836 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA)
Formal meeting invites will be sent, but for now, mark your calendars for our fall and spring meeting dates:
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our events this year!
ASHRAE National Capital Chapter Board of Governors
Please join us for the second meeting of National Capital Chapter ASHRAE's 2023/2024 season:
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
Theme: Research Promotion / Government Affairs
PES from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST (Virtual)
Dinner from 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST (In Person)
Topic: CO2 Emission Reduction in the Building Industry
When: 12 PM – 1 PM EST
Where: Link will be provided when registered for this event. PDHs will be provided to all attendees as in past.
Rachel Coyle Bio:
Rachel Coyle, EIT began her full-time career with Southland Industries as a Mechanical Design Engineer in July 2020. Before starting her career, she received her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Architectural Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. During the first years of her career at Southland Industries, Ms. Coyle has worked on projects in the government, mission-critical, and commercial market sectors. In addition to her design projects, Ms. Coyle studied materials and resources pertaining to CO2 emission reduction in the building industry to prepare for client requests and industry changes relating to this subject. Additionally, she has formed the Carbon Emission Reduction Team within Southland Industries that brings together representatives from across all divisions to analyze and stay ahead of market trends.
Rachel Coyle Presentation Abstract:
An abstract will be provided as part of the registration email.

Topic: Decarbonizing the Built Environment - Reducing Embodied and Operational Carbon from Net Zero Design
When: 5:30 PM – 8 PM EST
Where: Rhodeside Grille (1836 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA)
Sean Casey Bio:
Sean Casey CEM, LEED AP is AECOM’s Decarbonization Technical Lead. His experience includes sustainable energy master planning, high performance building design, building energy simulation, and federal sustainability programs. He lives in Vienna, Virginia with his wife and three sons, is a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder (Go Buffs!), and a proud AmeriCorps alum.
Sean Casey Presentation Abstract:
To prevent global temperatures from exceeding 1.5°C, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions must decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. The building industry generates about 40% of annual CO2 emissions, so a rapid shift to high-performance building design is necessary to reach the goal. Sean will discuss how the following topics relate to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 228, Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance and what challenges and opportunities exist for future work:
- Reduction pathways for reducing both embodied and operational carbon of the built environment.
- High-performance building modeling and whole building life cycle assessment (LCA)
- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 228
- Key concepts: embodied carbon, operational carbon, high-performance building modeling, building lifecycle assessment, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 228

Your comments after each presentation help us to improve educational offerings in the future.
ASHRAE on a national level will be sponsoring a YEA Happy Hour and Tour during the Decarbonization Conference here in DC.
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM EST
Location: Lubber Run Community Center
Description: Featuring net-zero energy design and a landscape-focused approach to the surrounding park, Lubber Run Community Center offers a holistic response to an urban challenge - ultimately creating puble space that is greater and greener for residents.
Happy Hour:
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Location: Courthaus Social (2300 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201)
Please welcome our newest members to the National Capital Chapter!
Scott Luettinger
Laura Meta Frisby
Bryan Bomer
Shawn Hardy
Kathleen Gaw
The Research Promotion Committee manages and supports both the Society‐level fundraising and Chapter‐level fundraising of the RP Campaign. Traditionally supporting just research, the RP Campaign was expanded 10 years ago to include support of Education & ALI, Endowed Research through ASHRAE Foundation, YEA programs, ASHRAE Scholarships, and the General/ Unrestricted fund. Research, the backbone of ASHRAE, remains the primary fund of the program with over $2 million raised for this program annually.
Ways You Can Contribute:
We encourage you to make your donation to one of our National Capital endowed funds in the following section:
Foundation - Foundation Endowed Research Funds 23-24
Thank you so much for your support!
Below are some projects in our region funded by the ASHRAE 22-23 RP Campaign:
Flammable Refrigerants Post-Ignition Simulation and Risk Assessment Update
GEXCON US - Bethesda MD
Investigation of Ignition Temperature (Hot surface and Auto Ignition) for 2L Refrigerants
AHRTI - Arlington, VA
Completed RP Mar. 2019
Transport of Indoor Biological Dust
PENN. STATE U-Parichehr Salimifrad
Airside heat transfer augmentation using multi-scale analysis and shape optimization for compact heat exchangers with small hydraulic diameters
U-MARYLAND - Daniel Bacellar
Demonstrating the application of novel multi-criteria ventilation algorithms in office buildings
DREXEL U. - Tom Ben David
Quantifying Non-Energy Benefits of High-Performance, Urban Elementary School Buildings
CATHOLIC U. - Emily Oldman
ASHRAE relies on YOU for support. If you are interested in donating, please visit